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Notary appointment

Contact Melvyn Skelton for an appointment on:

Notary appointments

Your appointment

I can arrange to see you at my home in Moulton near Newmarket. Location details are shown on a plan on the contact page. I can see you there also in the evenings and at weekends.


I can also see you at your place of business or at home, although this may increase the fee.


I can see you at short notice, normally within 24 hours.

What you will need to bring with you for the appointment.


This is not a mere rubber stamping exercise. The international duty of a notary involves a high standard of care, not only towards you as the client but particularly to the transaction itself, as well as towards other parties, and governments or officials of other countries. This is because they are intended, and are entitled (1) to assume that a notary will ensure due compliance with the relevant requirements at home and abroad, whether or not specifically requested to do so, and (2) to rely on the notary’s register and records thereof. Vigilance is essential at every stage to minimise the risks of errors, omissions, alterations, fraud, forgery, impersonation and money-laundering.



  • Unless I have previously received them, the documents which require my signature and seal. If you are bringing them with you please do not sign them before the appointment.

  • Any instructions which your adviser or the lawyer who prepared the documents has given. This is very important.

  • Your passport which should be in force at the date of the appointment. If you do not have a passport then a driving licence with your photograph on it is acceptable. I also need to see evidence of your address such as a recent utility bill, Bank Statement or Council Tax bill. If you have problems in producing such documents then please refer to me as I shall need to discuss what other evidence may be sufficient for me to satisfy myself as to your identity.

  • It is helpful if you have been e-mailed the documents to forward them to me with any instructions received, so that I can check them for any mistakes and prepare them for the appointment, and also copies of your identification evidence.

  • In the case of a company, partnership, society, club, etc., notarial requirements will be explained in a preliminary discussion. Verification is required as to the current authority for its representative(s) to sign or seal on its behalf - including proof of (a) its original formation, (b) its current continuing existence, (c) its present powers and regulations for undertaking this type of transaction, (d) its actual authorisation of this specific transaction, (e) which office holders are authorised to sign etc.; (f) proof of the valid appointment of the present holders of such office(s) etc.

Appointments usually available at very short notice - within 24 hours